Telling stories for customers and clients.
Emergent Technologies
My very creative client asked for help to share the adventures of his customers.
These are their stories.
Spot “A” - What if you could save the company money?
Spot “B” - What would he do without her?
Spot “C” - Managing the Paper Police
Tasked with helping Gelson’s customers discover and enjoy their new “Olive Oil Curation Station” I produced, directed and edited this promotional piece.
Line 39 and the LOOMA Group asked us to engage with winemaker Steven Decosta to share the winemaking experience with customers.
Line 39 Wine
Adventures in Winemaking
Produced for the LOOMA Group, this was their top performing by a landslide.
Line 39 Wine XMAS Spot
When my generous friends at OneVoice asked for help to complete a video project, they brought me amazing footage, but explained that the previous team hadn’t been able to capture their essence. This is the result of getting to understand what OneVoice is all about and helping to tell their story.